mercredi 28 octobre 2015

US Shifts On Boots On The Ground Against ISIS | MSNBC

'Church makes gay lives hell' says priest - BBC News

Syrian Catholic priest who escaped IS captivity - BBC News

Saudi - UK relations 'strained' - BBC News

Cameron and Corbyn on tax credit cut 'guarantee' - BBC News

Mars, Jupiter and Venus come together for rare display - BBC News

Why Saudi Arabia matters - in 60 secs - BBC News

Boots on Ground? US considering ‘direct action’ against ISIS

China’s PLA Hong Kong Garrison shows of skills in recent drills

‘We refuse to be enemies’: Israeli cafe offers 50% discount if Jews and ...

Bavarian PM gives Merkel deadline to close 'open door' for refugees

CrossTalk: Syrian Turning Point?

Gaddafi son speaks from jail: solitary confinement, windowless cell, abu...

samedi 24 octobre 2015

Kerry, Lavrov hammer out plans for Syria while meeting in Vienna

What’s the biggest influence on the global macro economy?

Asylum seekers in Thailand fear arrest and hunger

Talk to Al Jazeera - Syrian refugee: 'I'm scared of the way they look at...

Iraq mulls seeking Russian support against ISIL

Drug crime a major issue ahead of Argentina poll

Masked Man Kills Teacher and Student in Sweden is Identified

Rare Set of Identical Triplets Born in Baltimore

Ataques reales de cocodrilos a humanos

jeudi 22 octobre 2015

South Africa students clash with police over fees

'Would take WW3 to fix intl system' – ex-UN Gaza inquiry head

Western media enraged by Assad’s ‘red carpet’ visit to Moscow

Putin at Valdai Forum - World between War and Peace

WikiLeaks exposes CIA Chief’s emails on torture tactics, Iran, Afghanstan

Bernie Sanders: We Must Break With Obama/Biden | MSNBC

Hillary Clinton On Benghazi: 'I Took Responsibility' | MSNBC

Biden Says He’s ‘Out of Time’, Won’t Run for President in 2016 | NBC Nig...

قصة تحول مثيرة للقاتلة ذات النصف طن

Top 10 Ataques de Animales Más Devastadores del Mundo

jeudi 8 octobre 2015

Hiena vs León - INTERESANTE

leone vs tigre 2015 HD

León vs Leopardo - 2015

Rajoy espera una nueva financiación autonómica en el primer semestre de ...

McCarthy drops out of speaker race

US wants to break up Middle East into pieces, not cooperate – peace advo...

Russian navy warships begin attacking ISIS from Caspian Sea

Chelsea Manning writes first article outlining prison life, unfair gende...

USDA, EPA plan to cut billions of pounds of food waste

Al Jazeera Correspondent - Growing Up Guantanamo

A new police in the Ukraine | Focus on Europe

Latvian company helps connect Africa | Business

Shortness of breath: recognizing and treating COPD | In Good Shape - Int...

أكثر مشاهدات إثارة في عالم الافتراس 2015