vendredi 26 juin 2015

Selfie Tips from Scream's Bella Thorne - Late Night with Seth Meyers

TV5MONDE : 110 mesures contre la menace djihadiste

Islamist attacks on the rise in Europe?

amistad entre el hombre y el cocodrilo

Islamist attack at French gas factory: 1 decapitated, more injured

Gunmen attack 2 tourist hotels in Tunisia, dozens killed, incl foreigners

Shiite mosque attacked in Kuwait, ISIS claims responsibility

'It's prime for division in Europe like never before, immigration adds f...

RAW: Scene of Tunisia deadly attack on beach near tourist hotels in Sousse

Leopards vs. Lions - 2014

طفل يسأل لماذا لم يقضِ الله على الشيطان من البداية د ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir ...

سجين قتل امة - الشيخ خالد الراشد

رجل يخاطر بعمره ويقف في وجه الأسد

jeudi 11 juin 2015

ISIS Recruit: Russian girl back with family after detained in Turkey

War on terror created more extremism, terrorism than we ever had - Karzai

American civilian reflects on fighting ISIS in Syria

Virginia Teen Pleads Guilty To Aiding ISIS | msnbc

Michelle Obama's Moving Words At Chicago Graduation | msnbc

La dura vida bajo el yugo de Estado Islámico en Mosul

Carretes y copetes: cómo sobrevivir en Chile si te vas de fiesta

As Lake Mead Dries Up, Engineers Dig Deep For Water | NBC Nightly News

Authorities Concerned Escaped Killers Headed Towards Vermont | NBC Night...